Aanrader! Het volledig oeuvre van Ton Coffeng via website van Pre-Therapy International Network

Aanrader! Het volledig oeuvre van Ton Coffeng via website van Pre-Therapy International Network

13 juli 2024 door VVCEPC

Een aantal geëngageerde leden van het Pre-Therapy International Network hebben het oeuvre bijeengebracht van alle gepubliceerde en ongepubliceerde teksten van Ton Coffeng, de invloedrijke Nederlandse cliëntgericht-experiëntiële psychiater (en tevens supervisor, opleider en academicus), nu op rust, met een bijzondere expertise in trauma, dissociatie, pre-therapie en focusing. De Ton Coffeng Library bevat naast 78 inspirerende bijdragen in 5 talen (Nederlands, Engels, Duits, Russisch, Japans) ook een complete referentielijst. Een onschatbare bron, zeker de moeite waard om te ontdekken!

Hieronder vind je het oorspronkelijke bericht van Pre-Therapy International Network.
Meer info over pre-therapie, één van de substromingen binnen het cliëntgericht-experiëntiële gedachtengoed, vind je hier.
En meer info over Pre-Therapy International Network vind je hier
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News: Ton Coffeng Library

The Pre-Therapy International Network is proud to present the complete body of work by Ton Coffeng, both published and unpublished. Ton Coffeng, a psychiatrist-in-rest, is renowned as a Pre-Therapy trainer and Person-Centered psychotherapist with a private practice. He is a trainer and supervisor for the Dutch association for Person-Centered and Experiential Psychotherapy (VPeP) and the Dutch national association for psychotherapy (NVP). He was an academic lecturer at Rijksuniversiteit Groningen.

His expertise includes Pre-Therapy, Focusing and Experiential Psychotherapy, particularly in the field of trauma and dissociation. He attended the annual International Pre-Therapy Network meetings in Ghent, Belgium,  for many years, as well as Focusing workshops with Gendlin, Olsen, Iberg, and others since 1979, and Gendlin's special workshops for psychotherapists.  Ton has contributed to the development of Pre-Therapy, particularly in the field of trauma and dissociation.

At the start of this year, we learned about Ton's valuable collection of texts in five languages (Dutch, English, German, Russian, Japanese). As some of these texts are hard to find, and some have never been published, we decided to make them available through the Pre-Therapy website.  Besides providing a link for each of his references in our Reference List, we will make a link available to his complete body of work on top of that list. 

The Ton Coffeng Library includes 78 full texts in six languages, written or published between 1984-2018, thus spanning a period of 34 years. Thank you Ton for your hard work and treasured contribution!

Here we present a list of references, one for each language: English - Nederlands - Deutsch - 日本語 - Русский - Español. These lists are included in the full library.
Kind regards,
Mathias Dekeyser
